Power CD-ROM!! 8
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Assembly Source File
218 lines
TITLE Test_umb will test for Upper Memory Blocks
fwd EQU 00h
bwd EQU 0FFh
yes EQU 00h
no EQU 0FFh
cseg segment public
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:nothing
; Code
init: push cs
pop ds
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset hello$
int 21h
cld ;lets be sure
mov es, [initadr] ;start there (A000)
nxtBlk: call ChkRAM
mov [jmpsze], 0400h ;take 400h size steps
mov [direct], fwd ;move to the right again
cmp [flip], yes
jnz short sayNo
sayYes: mov dx, offset yesRAM$ ;found RAM
mov [flip], yes ; indicate with flip1
jmp short showMs
sayNo: mov dx, offset noRAM$ ;found no RAM
mov [flip], no ; indicate with flip0
showMs: call messge ;and tell it
move: cmp [direct], bwd ;backward?
jz short backw
mov di, es
add di, [jmpsze] ;jump forward
mov es, di
jc endIt
jmp short cont
backw: mov di, es
sub di, [jmpsze] ;jump backward
mov es, di
cont: call ChkRAM ;check location for RAM
jz move ;if no flip - keep jump'n
xor [direct], 0FFh ;invert direction
mov ax, [jmpsze] ;get jmpsze
shr ax, 1 ;divide by 2
mov [jmpsze], ax ;and store new
jnz move ;jump other way half dist'ce
cmp [direct], bwd ;if direction bwd, then we are
jnz goOn ;already on begin new blk, so we
mov di, es ;we must recede one position
dec di ;for end of last blk
mov es, di ;so move left one paragraph
xor [flip], 0FFh ;don't worry, we'll flip back
goOn: call endMes ;print this (end)location
xor [flip], 0FFh ;but if stand before RAMflip wrong
mov di, es ;and proceed to begin next block
inc di
mov es, di
jmp nxtBlk
endIt: mov dx, offset last$
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov dx, offset bye$
int 21h
mov dx, offset warn$
int 21h
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
; Variables
jmpsze dw ? ;jumpsize
initadr dw 0A000h ;starting address
direct db fwd ;direction
flip db yes ;ram at last loc
hello$ db CR,LF,'╔══════════════════════════════════════════════╗',CR,LF, \
'║ Test_UMB checks for RAM in Upper Memory ║',CR,LF, \
'║ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ ║$'
yesRAM$ db CR,LF,'║ │ Found RAM at paragraph $'
noRAM$ db CR,LF,'║ │ None at paragraph $'
contd$ db '#### until $'
endMes$ db '#### │ ║$'
last$ db 'FFFF │ ║',CR,LF,'$'
bye$ db '║ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║',CR,LF, \
'║ Author: Marco van Zwetselaar 8 Nov 1991 ║',CR,LF, \
warn$ db CR,LF,'PLEASE NOTE: Not all RAM displayed can be used!',CR,LF, \
' In *general*, segment A, D and E are safe.',CR,LF,CR,LF,'$'
; Procedures
chkram proc near
;takes : es : is paragraph to test
;destr : di, bx, dx, cx
;retur : zeroflag if flips equal, dl=old flip (FF=none, 00=RAM)
xor di, di
mov bx, es:[di] ;get memory contents at es:0
mov dx, bx ;store in dx
xor dx, 0FFFFh ;invert all bits
mov es:[di], dx ;and store in memory again
mov cx, 080h ;Pause a moment, so that
loop $ ;we don't read what we wrote
cmp es:[di], dx ;compare to what we put there
mov es:[di], bx ;and restore original value
mov dl, [flip] ;save old flip
jz flip0 ;found ram?
mov [flip], no ; NOT - flip to no
jmp short pfff
flip0: mov [flip], yes ; YES - flip to yes
pfff: cmp dl, [flip] ;set ZFlag if flipped
chkram endp
messge proc near
;takes : ds:dx points to mess (no/yesRAM)
; : es is segment-addr = paragr
;destr : di, bx, ax
;retur : unimportant - will print mess & addresses
mov ah, 09h ;print yes/noRAM
int 21h
mov dx, es ;paragraph into dx
mov di, offset contd$ ;point di to location where
push es
push cs ; it should be patched in
pop es
mov bx, offset digs ;ds:bx point to begin xtable
mov ax, dx ;dx is paragraph address
xchg al, ah ;ah patched 1st: must be in al
call makehex
mov ax, dx ;then patch al in
call makehex
mov dx, offset contd$ ;then print rest of messge
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
pop es
messge endp
endMes proc near
mov dx, es ;paragraph number in dx=es
mov di, offset endMes$ ;point es:di to patch
push es ;but save es for later!
push cs
pop es
mov bx, offset digs ;point ds:bx to xlat tbl
mov ax, dx
xchg al, ah
call makehex
mov ax, dx
call makehex
mov dx, offset endMes$ ;and show endlocation
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
pop es ;reset es
endMes endp
makehex proc near
;takes : al : byte to be conv'ted to ascii (like FCh - 'FC')
; ds:bx : points to beginning of xlat table
; es:di : points to location where "XX" should come
;destr : ax, di will point two bytes further
;retur : ascii digits in locations es:di and es:di+1
db 0D4h, 010h ;adjust for ascii multip: ah->ax/16
; al->rest
xchg al, ah ;high nibble first
xlat ;ds:bx must point to right dig
stosb ;store the string-byte
xchg al, ah
xlat ;low level
digs db '0123456789ABCDEF'
makehex endp
cseg ends